Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Holiday Chatter

Is it ok that I've all ready started a Christmas list?

I'm typically not one to begin the season before December 1st (unlike places such as Starbucks... ugh) but when you live in such an affluent place but can't afford any of it, you easily dream.  Thus, I've put all of my "I'd like to rush out and buy this immediately, but can't" items on my Christmas list.
That I've all ready started.

This year, I'm really excited to add some less traditional items to the list. Ryan and I have recently started getting involved with an organization called Hands Producing Hope. Not only is their vision inspiring and their work benefitting real people, the product is adorable. I encourage you to check it out for yourself and grab some swag for you and your friends this season. (Like this one- it's beautiful!)

It's been a few days (ok a lot of days) since I've gotten to write. I've been attempting to focus on the job search, and if you're interested in an update, here it is: I'll know more by the end of the week.

Riveted? I know you are.
It's like a suspense movie: Will she or won't she get the job? What will happen? *enter suspenseful music here, similar to any network TV crime show but not quite as intense*

In other holiday news, September 19th is National Talk Like a Pirate Day and Krispy Kreme is giving away free donuts. I don't see the correlation, but I doubt anyone in America cares. If you go to a participating location and simply talk like a pirate ("Aaarrrrr!" seems easy enough), you receive just one measly donut. You and I both know that will be gone in 3 seconds.
 IF you instead choose to go all out and dress head-to-toe in pirate costume (it specifies "No Weapons", however), then you get an entire dozen of deliciously glazed warmed sugary goodness.

Make the right decision, everyone.


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