Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Two Words: Full Time (or is that one hyphenated word?)

Turns out that having a full time job takes up, well, the majority of your time. How about that.

You may have been wondering why I haven't posted in about three weeks. More than likely, you didn't even notice. Nonetheless, I'm back to give you a brief explanation:
   My job is full time!

When I was offered the position, I was told it would begin part-time and once I was producing quality work they would be happy to move to full-time. In my mind that meant a few months. Instead, it was like a few days. I had a handful of 4-hr shifts in the office and then "The Summit" happened.

Of course, I knew this Summit was planned as I was being interviewed but I didn't assume that I would be involved. It's an event they put on twice a year, one in April (nyc) and one in October (sf). You can imagine my surprise when I got an email after just a few days of working there saying, "Please be at the Ritz-Carlton in San Francisco by 1pm tomorrow."

Uhhhhhhh.... what was that, now?

So I spent three days at the Ritz, all dressed up and fancy, and even got to stay one night (FO FREE) in a suite bigger than our apartment. I couldn't help but think: "Two weeks ago, I was unemployed and a total anxious mess. This morning I woke up in the Ritz- Carlton."       Neat.

Gratitude has been the main word in the Goude vocabulary (or the Lexi-Goude, if you will) in the past few weeks. Gratitude over being in such a beautiful place, gratitude over being in such a loving and fun marriage, gratitude over receiving a paycheck. A real, professional, grown up, sizable, earned paycheck. Hallelujah, people. God Provides.

I know it kinda looks like the Capitol Building, but this is the outside of the Ritz in San Francisco. 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

California Love

I'm out of Wedding Season shape.

There was a (extremely long period of) time in my life where going to other people's weddings was my life. I mostly* enjoyed it. What's not to love about weddings? Free food, beautiful venues, happy couples, reunions with friends, and sweet dance moves.

Last night, I went to only my second wedding of the year.  I honestly can not remember the last time I went to only two weddings in a year. Five is average, but I've survived double digit wedding seasons on multiple occasions. I'm a pro. And yet, no matter how part of your routine it is, you always feel like death the following morning. I didn't have a sip of alcohol at last night's fantastic festivities and I still had to open my eyelids with a crow-bar this morning.

What a beautiful wedding! I can confidently say that it's ranked in my top three, excluding my own of course, and any family weddings because that's just not fair.  It was so quintessentially "California wedding": set in an absolutely exquisite mountainside private residence with an outdoor ceremony and reception on the patio. Perfect weather, perfect sunset, and excellent food (key to a great wedding). But always most important, our dear friends looked so in love and so joyful. Congratulations to the newlyweds!

I should come up with a rubric for my wedding rankings.

*when I wasn't bitter and whining over the fact that I wasn't dating anyone. That never helps, I assure you