That started out as a song reference but is actually quite applicable here.
That's right folks: I'm back in it. "The Job Hunt", that is. And if you thought it would be better this time around... well, I'm still sorting that out. Although the nature of the internet makes for some to share all their details with little regard to other people reading it, I will not be doing that here. Put simply, I left the position on my own accord and am now seeking other employment.
It's been quite the battle over these past few weeks. Going back and forth from happy emotions to guilty emotions and just trying to make sense of it all.
I've slept. A lot. It's my defense mechanism.
Just in the little over two weeks since I have not had a job, I've sent in dozens of applications to various administrative positions and am (very impatiently) waiting to hear back. Maybe I don't know what goes in to the hiring process but in my mind, I clearly have a excellent college degree (Go Hokies!), have stellar experience and skills, and great references. What more do you want from me?!
I say this to my computer screen on a regular basis.
But after going through a part of my bible study yesterday, I realized that I had been letting my emotions drive everything over these past few weeks. I've exhausted myself with an inner tug-o-war, by constantly fretting about "What if I never get another job?" (hello, drama) or "What was I thinking?" and my favorite, "I should have stayed in Egypt!" (read the book of Exodus and that will make more sense).
But the truth is, these statements keep me from looking forward.
Remember at the very beginning of this blog when I focused on this word: Grateful. My previous job was very helpful financially to get us back on our feet after a trans-continental move. I'm beyond grateful for God's provision through that! Now it's time to look forward and rely on truth rather than my crazy emotions.
If you're the praying type, I'd be most appreciative of a few of your sweet words up to our listening and attentive God... to not only heal wounds but to allow truth to dictate this season, rather than emotion.
And of course that I would get a job. Tomorrow, would be great.
Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love,
that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.
psalm 90:14
So, I hope you don't mind, but I've nominated you for the Liebster Award.