Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Cake: It's What's For Breakfast. And Lunch. And Dinner.

Pros: I work at a bakery, a place of joy and celebration! And not just any bakery, but one holding the absolute greatest baked good creations I've ever had the privilege of tasting. This isn't just your little mom-and-pop shop either. Over the past 9 years, SusieCakes  has made a name for itself in northern and southern California. We are about to open our fifteenth location! And between all these stores, this "bakery" is a multi-million dollar per year business. This is cake we're talking about, people. Millions of dollars in CAKE. (And pies and cupcakes and...well just go on and check out the menu)

Cons: I can't stop eating it.

You know those metabolisms where you can eat whatever you want and you don't gain a pound? Maybe your insides aren't super healthy but your outsides still look fantastic? That has never, even for a passing second, been my life. And you may be thinking ,"Well, just have some will power, for crying out loud!" to that I say- You try being surrounded by wafts of delicious spices and melted chocolate and incredible creations all day long and not want to stick a fork in to absolutely everything.
Even with just those words, I bet you're all ready drooling (if you've even gotten back to reading this after seeing the menu).

It really has been a blast to start work at Susiecakes. The business itself has incredible core values which are almost impossible to find in a professional environment. My co-workers are ambitious, welcoming, hard-working and hilarious. And we give people cake! How great is that? (We also eat the cake, if that wasn't clear before)

I'd love to keep writing but, I need to go walk 500 miles to compensate for the things I ate... this morning....

This is our cute little store in the Bon Air Shopping Center!