Friday, February 6, 2015

Rain, Rain.... I'm so glad you're here

Why am I so happy it's raining today?

Because I was convinced I had sent California into the next massive drought.

All because I bought my first pair of rain boots.

You know how that tends to happen, right? You buy an item to prepare for "the next time", and you end up never needing it. It's life's subtle way of mocking you.  That's what recently happened to me and these boots.

After the downpours we got in December, I decided it was probably time to stop risking illness due to   improper footwear (and, ya know, be an adult). I found some cute but classic rain boots at DSW and, as you guessed, it hasn't rained a drop since that day.

Think I'm being dramatic about this? Where I can see you may think that (as I've proved it over and over again in life), check out this excerpt from
     Not one drop of measurable rain fell on city streets in January, 
the first time that’s happened in recorded weather history, 
which dates back to the Gold Rush. 

The Gold Rush, people. These are some seriously powerful rain boots.

Ironically, I don't want to actually use my rain boots today. I'd much rather stay warm and dry in my apartment with some popcorn and a movie. (But really, don't we all want to do that?)

Except mine aren't red.