Wednesday, September 24, 2014

And The Angels Sang...


Dearest friends,

I am ecstatic to report that yesterday was the first day (more like afternoon) of my new job! Through a kind and very random reference by my new friend Brianna, I applied, interviewed for, and am fortunate enough to have been chosen as the new
Operations Analyst at Tiburon Strategic Advisors.
It sounds so fancy, doesn't it?

Tiburon is a little town right down the road. I don't have to get on the 101 (major north-south highway), I don't have to wait in city traffic, and I barely have stoplights on the way in to this beautiful little town. It's incredible. The views are incredible. Just like pretty much everywhere else around here!
The office itself is situated in a professional park just across the street from the bay. You can see the city and watch the fog descend then lift. There's plenty of people watching to do as well, as the ferry that arrives in Tiburon takes bicycling tourists back to the mainland.

Speaking of that, never in my life have I seen so many people on bikes. They are everywhere! There are huge companies that rent out bikes to tourists (my favorite of them being named "Blazing Saddles"), give them a semi-readable map, and send them on their way. We see these folks on this side of the bridge looking utterly lost just trying to find their way back to the ferry. Maybe this is your cup of tea, but not once while I was on vacation have I thought: "You know what would make this the best? A 12 mile bike ride with thousands of strangers through a crowded city I've never been to."
Not once have I thought that.

The period of finding a job was less than desirable, I must admit. As I previously posted, I was sure I would have a job before Ryan started classes. That was 4 weeks ago. But is there any reason to dwell in the suck of that situation? No! As cliché as it may sound, I learned a lot during that time of waiting. Perseverance, trust, faith, budgeting (definitely budgeting), and ways to encourage others who are in the same boat. I'm grateful to everyone who encouraged me through this process and I'm sure it won't be the last time I will need encouragement. This new position is sure to be challenging, with a lot to learn and a lot to do. I am incredibly excited about the opportunity to be challenged in such a professional environment.

Thanks for the excitement, everyone! Thanks for reading :)


A view from Tiburon


  1. Congrats Karin!!! YAY jobs!! Especially yay jobs in Tiburon!!!! SO beautiful!!

    PS Personally I would have never thought about much other than laying around and eating on vacay but my dear sweet Dietrich loves biking so we tandemed the Blazing Saddles ride and it was awesome! I'd recommend it!

  2. Carlie, you two are some of the bravest people I know and therefore I am confident you owned the biking excursion. Myself, on the other hand, would have no doubt headed straight in to oncoming traffic ;)

  3. YAY!!! That's awesome! I've been in that job waiting period before- never pleasant. But then I always miss it. But then I hate it again the next time.
